Project title: BIOMITRAL – Engineering the mitral valve: bioinspired control of structure and function for enhanced in vivo performance
Start/end date: September, 2021 – August, 2026
Funding Agency/Programme: European Research Council (ERC) – Consolidator Grant
Partnership: Principal Investigator: Antonio D’Amore; Host Institution: Fondazione Ri.MED.
Partner: Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione SRL – ISMETT SRL; Università degli Studi di Palermo.
Principal Investigator: Antonio D’Amore
Scientific products:
- Continuous Microfiber Mandrel-less Biofabrication for Soft Tissue Engineering Applications
- Meso-scale patterned collecting target to induce local anisotropy and curvilinear fiber orientation in electro-deposited, micro-fiber based mitral valve scaffolds. TERMIS June 28– July 1 2022, Krakòw.
- Modeling electrical field in double component deposition to enhance heart valve scaffold macro and micro architecture. BIOFABRICATION September 25-28 2022, Pisa.
- Mandrel-less fabrication of biomimetic microfiber wires for soft tissue applications. Poster presentation at BIOFABRICATION September 25-28 2022, Pisa.
- Caratterizzazione strutturale delle valvole cardiache umane per applicazioni nell’ingegneria tissutale. AIAS CONFERENCE September 7-9 2022, Padova
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Grant agreement No. 101002561.