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We share our values

Involving and inspiring a heterogeneous public is one of our priorities: we are working on a public engagement program to involve citizens of all ages, in collaboration with the main players in the territory. Our presence and interaction with the local community aims at developing activities that facilitate and promote knowledge, from science and health to investment and employment opportunities, legality and meritocracy.

The Foundation participates with pleasure in local animation events – for example SHARPER European Researchers’ Night, Festival of Ingenuity, #EuFactor Palermo, Open Doors at the CNR, etc – and dedicates great effort for activities with local schools – for example the “Research Friday” laboratories of applied sciences at STEM high school in Palermo, the collaboration with the Mursia Institute of Carini and with the Volta Industrial Technical Institute of Palermo, but also PCTO projects with some high schools in the Province.

Moreover, schools are also welcome guests invited to events directly produced by Ri.MED: within the exhibition “Scienza in cantiere” – in 2022 at the Castello di Carini and in 2023 at Palazzo Sant’Elia in Palermo – several school’s meetings were organized with Ri.MED researchers, which involved around 650 students from the province of Palermo.

The size and high profile of the upcoming CBRB will amplify Ri.MED’s ability of playing an important role in generating enthusiasm and interest in science. To achieve these goal, Ri.MED is constantly increasing its presence on the territory, developing educational programs with schools and scientific dissemination activities.

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RiMED@Natale al parco – Carini


La Fondazione Ri.MED è stata invitata a partecipare alla terza edizione dell’evento “Natale al Parco” che si è svolto a Carini nei fine settimana dal 9 dicembre al 6 gennaio....

9/1/2023 Ri.MED at PAF! 2023 – Park Art Fest


The “PAF!” event took place in Carini on Friday 1 September 2023 from 6.00pm to 8.00pm, a market exhibition with cultural and recreational events with a great public participation in...

3/15/2023: Ri.MED La scienza in cantiere

15/03/2023 - 14/04/2023

dal 15 marzo al 14 aprile a Palazzo Sant’Elia Città Metropolitana di Palermo e Fondazione Ri.MED: al via le attività de “La scienza in cantiere” a Palazzo Sant’Elia Dal 15...

9/24/2021 Ri.MED@SHARPER 2021


Di nuovo insieme per la Notte Europea dei Ricercatori! Vi siete mai chiesti di cosa si occupa l’Ingegneria Tissutale? é possibile ispirarsi alla natura per creare dei “pezzi di ricambio”...

11/27/2020 Ri.MED@SHARPER 2020


L’evento “ SHARPER – Notte Europea dei Ricercatori ” si è dovuto reinventare quest’anno in modalità “on-line” a causa dell’emergenza sanitaria tutt’ora in corso. Lo scorso 27 novembre Bruno Douradinha...

10/9/2019 CHEMIST conference


La Fondazione Ri.MED ha presentato oggi a Palazzo Branciforte i risultati raggiunti nell’ambito del progetto Chemist, non solo per dare doverosa evidenza circa l’utilizzo dei fondi, ma anche e soprattutto...

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Support research

Biomedical research represents the way to go to improve the health of all of us and allow us a better quality of life. This is the mission of the Ri.MED Foundation, a biomedical and biotechnological research institution set up by the Italian Government for the development of regenerative medicine and cell therapy projects.

Support research

Biomedical research represents the way to go to improve the health of all of us and allow us a better quality of life. This is the mission of the Ri.MED Foundation, a biomedical and biotechnological research institution set up by the Italian Government for the development of regenerative medicine and cell therapy projects.

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