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Gender Equality Plan della Fondazione Ri.MED

With the aim of promoting and supporting the reduction of gender disparities and valuing the skills of workers of all genders and orientations within its structure, the Ri.MED Foundation has adopted the Gender Equality Plan (2023/2025). The GEP, conceived and drafted by the GdL-GEP in accordance with the provisions outlined in Annex 1 of the Horizon Europe Guidance on Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) (EC, DG R&I), incorporates the institutional mission as well as the scientific activities carried out by the Foundation, with particular reference to translational research, advanced training, and Third Mission activities.
The adoption of its own Gender Equality Plan (GEP) represents an opportunity for the Foundation to reflect on issues related to gender equality, through the identification of a series of activities aimed at facilitating, even on a practical level, the promotion of diversity within its structure.

GEP Fondazione Ri.MED (2023/2025)


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