Ustica, Sicily
The XXXII LIAC Meeting on Vascular Research was held in Ustica on September 14th-17th, 2016. The Meeting was organized by the Latin Society for Vascular Research (LIAC), with the collaboration of the Ri.MED Foundation, the University of Palermo and the National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology (INSTM).
The LIAC is a working group devoted to improving the quality of basic and applied research in all areas of vascular biology, enhancing communications between chemists, biologists and clinicians involved in these disciplines throughout the Latin world, promoting joint or coordinated projects within the framework of European Union. The LIAC focuses on all of the scientific approaches regarding the blood vessel. The scientific covered fields include structural biology, biophysics, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, cell and tissue biology, biomaterials and tissue engineering, physiopathology, therapeutics and clinical approaches.
The purpose of the conference was to bring together scientists working on all fields of vascular research (from biology to engineering, from chemistry to medicine). This broad field aims to encourage communication between specialist of different scientific disciplines. Presentation concerning all the aspects of vascular research are welcome: from fundamental studies to applied aspects, from molecular modelling to physiopathology, terapeutics and clinical applications.