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Frontier Biomechanical Challenges in Cardiovascular Physiopathology

ESB Thematic Symposium, Palermo

The Ri.MED Foundation and the University of Palermo together to explore advances in the field of cardiovascular biomechanics and to share the commitment for future research. Expert clinicians followed by prominent scientists in the international field of biomechanical engineering research presented innovative clinical treatment strategies. The organization of the symposium was led by the Italian section of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB-ITA), that encourages and promotes research in the science of biomechanics in Italy.

Organized by:
Fondazione Ri.MED
Università degli Studi di Palermo

Conference Chair:
Salvatore Pasta (Fondazione RiMED)
Massimiliano Zingales (UniPA)

Invited Speakers:
Gabriele Dubini, PhD (University of Sheffield)
Diego Bellavia, MD PhD (ISMETT)
Vinay Badhwar, MD (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)
Alfio Quarteroni (Ecole Polytechnique of Losanna)
Santi Trimarchi (San Donato)
Ferdinando Auricchio (UniPV)
Anne M Robertson (University of Pittsburgh)

The Symposium has been included among the events organized to celebrate the 210 years of the University of Palermo.
52 participants, caming from Italian universities (University of Pavia, Palermo, Brindisi, Verona; Polytechnics of Milan and Turin and Biomedical Campus), from Government-approved research hospitals (IRCCS) (San Donato, Ospedale Maggiore and ISMETT), as well as foreign bodies (Germany, UK, USA and France). The “Young Research Award” was awarded to Rodrigo Romarowski the University of Pavia.
Three main topics: a) vascular pathologies (eg valvulopathy and aneurysm); cardiac disease (and cardiomyopathy); endoprosthesis and medical devices (eg VAD and endograft). Each topic was introduced by talk of expert clinicians, followed by talk of prominent scientists.

ESB-ITA:, Dr. Michele Marino (President), email:
Ri.MED: Dr. Salvatore Pasta, PhD – Fondazione Ri.MED, email:
UniPA: Prof. Massimiliano Zingales – UniPA, email:
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