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BIOMITRAL – Engineering the mitral valve: bioinspired control of structure and function for enhanced in vivo performance

Project title: BIOMITRAL – Engineering the mitral valve: bioinspired control of structure and function for enhanced in vivo performance

Start/end date: September, 2021 – August, 2026

Funding Agency/Programme: European Research Council (ERC) – Consolidator Grant

Partnership: Principal Investigator: Antonio D’Amore; Host Institution: Fondazione Ri.MED.
Partner: Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione SRL – ISMETT SRL; Università degli Studi di Palermo.

Abstract: The mitral valve is responsible for maintaining proper blood flow in the heart in one direction, from the left atrium to the left ventricle. When the mitral valve doesn’t work properly, the heart does not pump enough blood, causing fatigue and shortness of breath. In severe cases, prosthetic heart valves are used to replace dysfunctional valves. The EU-funded BIOMITRAL project will focus on tissue engineered valves that have the capacity to also regenerate the endogenous tissue, facilitate remodelling, and grow with the patient. Researchers will develop a polymer-based mitral valve that functions according to the native physiological mechanism and exhibits enhanced functional performance.


Principal Investigator: Antonio D’Amore

Scientific products: 

  • Continuous Microfiber Mandrel-less Biofabrication for Soft Tissue Engineering Applications
  • Meso-scale patterned collecting target to induce local anisotropy and curvilinear fiber orientation in electro-deposited, micro-fiber based mitral valve scaffolds.  TERMIS June 28– July 1 2022, Krakòw.
  • Modeling electrical field in double component deposition to enhance heart valve scaffold macro and micro architecture. BIOFABRICATION September 25-28 2022, Pisa.
  • Mandrel-less fabrication of biomimetic microfiber wires for soft tissue applications. Poster presentation at BIOFABRICATION September 25-28 2022, Pisa.
  • Caratterizzazione strutturale delle valvole cardiache umane per applicazioni nell’ingegneria tissutale. AIAS CONFERENCE September 7-9 2022, Padova

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Grant agreement No. 101002561.

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