Cantieri Culturali della Zisa, Palermo.
The Ri.MED Foundation present at the event which involved more than 500 students of the scientific high schools of Palermo.
Among the STEM Testimonials (science, technology, engeneering and mathematics) our researcher Antonio D’Amore.
Tuesday, September 27, in Palermo, as part of the #EUfactor Campaign, was held a meeting to talk about science and technology to young people and let them meet live testimonials of success stories in this field. The Association Euromed Carrefour Sicilia – Antenna Europe Direct of Palermo has joined the Campaign #EuFactor and organized the event with the support of Antenna Europe Direct responsible during the hours of alternating school-work.
Testimonials were chosen from among local institutions that stand out for excellence in scientific research and technological innovation:
• Joseph Constance, Mosaicoon ICT
• Antonio D’Amore, Research Associate Foundation Ri.MED
• Francesco Cappello, Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Science and Technology IEMEST
• Giorgio Micale, UNIPA Department Industrial Innovation and Digital (DIID)
• Federica Fernandez, University San Raffaele Rome
• Angela Cuttitta, Researcher CNR IRMA
• Giovanna Montana, Researcher CNR IBIM
#EUfactor è is a project promoted by the Representation of the European Commission in Italy and the Information Office of the European Parliament in Italy. It is primarily addressed to young people, between 16 and 19 years old, who are thinking about their future university careers. The aim is to make them aware of the employment opportunities, in both the academic/research world and in the market, that exist in Europe for those who choose to pursuit science, technology and information technology. With the goal of underlying the importance of science in addressing fundamental societal challenges and the investments by EU in these sectors, the stakeholders and the general audience are the secondary target of #EuFactor.
The main idea behind #EuFactor is to inspire young people through the stories of 5 Italian researchers who took up scientific careers at the University and now are researchers employed in different Universities or Research Centres in Italy, also involved in H2020, ERC or other programmes funded by the EU.