Keywords: innovation, networking and technology transfer.
Innovabiomed, the network place for biomedical innovation, took place on 2 and 3 July in Verona and saw the participation of over 50 companies and organizations and hundreds of visitors: doctors, researchers, experts in the production of devices and investors, together. to connect disciplines, skills and professionalism.
The Rimed Foundation was judged to be the reality that best embodies the spirit of the event; the scientific committee of Innovabiomed thus motivated the choice: “This reality responds to the requests for an efficient healthcare connected with all the elements of the health supply chain. An example of convergence between health, science and industry with a strong social impact and high technological characterization “.
Translational research means starting from the patient’s needs, promoting a culture of close collaboration between doctors and researchers: this is the winning formula of the Rimed Foundation, also at the basis of the cluster with Ismett and Upmc. “We aim for sustainable research focused on the generation of value through intellectual property and technology transfer” underlines the General Director Alessandro Padova. “The Rimed teams of Burriesci and D’Amore were present in Verona, engaged in the creation of innovative heart valves, now in the preclinical development phase. We are talking about two concrete examples of scientific innovation, which led to the creation of the start-up Neoolife – in collaboration with our partners University of Pittsburgh and Upmc – and to the attraction of private investment funds and important funding from the European Community. And therefore important economic and social repercussions on the territory “. Padua concludes with a reference to the prize won: “Research does not stop and, on the contrary, must continue to feed itself with new lymph, for this reason we have decided to invest the 10,000 euros received to finance an internship in the scientific field, which will be banned within the end of year”.
To receive the award in Verona on behalf of the Rimed Foundation, Getano Burriesci, Group Leader in Bioengineering and Medical Devices: “I am proud that Rimed received this prestigious award in the first edition of its institution and honored to have represented the Foundation together with other colleagues present in Verona. I want to read this award as a confirmation of the fact that our commitment to creating a culture of biomedical innovation is already beginning to bear the hoped-for results. It was also very encouraging to warn that we are just one of the many Italian companies that are driving forces in this area. In this regard, a special thanks goes to the organizers of the event, who, despite the difficulties of this period, were able to successfully set up this networking opportunity between the biomedical skills present in Italy, an essential comparison today to build a competitive system. that makes the most of the great potential present “.
A statement of esteem came from the vice president of the Sicilian Region, Gaetano Armao: “I participated with great satisfaction – declared Armao – in the important recognition given to the Rimed Foundation, during the Innovabiomed in Verona, illustrating the extraordinary project of the Rimed Cluster -Ismett2 and which confirms the farsighted choice of the central and regional governments, also thanks to the great work of the Councilor Razza, to locate in Sicily one of the most important research and development centers in the biotechnology and biomedical field at international level, in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh and Upmc. A commitment, that of promoting innovation, which the Musumeci government is pursuing vigorously and of which Rimed represents a point of reference “.
Rimed was present in Verona with a representation of researchers from the D’Amore group (Tissue Engineering), the Burriesci group (Bioengineering and Medical Devices) and the Immunotherapy group with Dr. Badami.
Antonio D’Amore, Rimed Group Leader in Tissue Engineering, was also invited to present – in connection from Pittsburgh – his innovative heart valve at the convention “Tomorrow is already a reality. From basic research to innovation “.