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Sistema per l’armonizzazione delle procedure e la gestione delle biobanche (SIASOPs)

Project title: SIASOPs BIOBANKS – Sistema per l’armonizzazione delle procedure e la gestione delle biobanche 

Start/end date: October 2011 – April 2014

Funding Agency/Programme: Regione Siciliana. PO FESR 2007/2013. Misura ricerca industriale

Partnership: San Raffaele (Roma) Capofila; L.C. Laboratori Campisi (Catania); UPMC (Palermo); ONTARIO (Catania); Fondazione Ri.MED (Palermo); Centro Nazionale per le Risorse Biologiche – CNRB (Roma).

Abstract: The project’s aim is to create a multi-institutional reference network in Sicily that will allow to create and organize a network of biobanks in the regional community. The main goal of the project is to define an internal organizational model in the facilities able to guarantee a reliable traceability of the sample and also clinical and history information, using innovative electronic processes and systems, and also the aspects related to the definition and automation of the technical processes (specimen registration and preservation) and those related to filing clinical and history data. To this end, the SIASOPs BioBank project specific objectives were: re-establish and re-assess the national and international standards of biobanks; develop and consolidate expertise on guidelines, ethical and legal regulations on the use of human biological materials for patient care and research applications; create a model for a new system to preserve, file and process samples for optimization and traceability of the procedures; define the joint pre-analytical processes to standardize the sampling and preservation of biology specimens and identify a group of bioindicators to be used in defining their quality criteria; design new software platforms to trace the life of the sample and define its characteristics.

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