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SE.N.SO. – SEnsore Nanostrutturato per Stress Ossidativo (Development of a miniaturized device for monitoring oxidative stress in cellular systems)

Project title: SE.N.SO. – SEnsore Nanostrutturato per Stress Ossidativo (Development of a miniaturized device for monitoring oxidative stress in cellular systems)

Start/end date: january 2021 – ongoing

Funding Agency/Programme: Region of Sicily – OP FERS 2014/2020 – Obiettivo Tematico 1 Ricerca, Sviluppo Tecnologico e Innovazione, Obiettivo specifico 1.1 – Incremento dell’attività di innovazione delle imprese, Azione 1.1.5 – Sostegno all’avanzamento tecnologico delle imprese attraverso il finanziamento di linee pilota e azioni di validazione precoce dei prodotti e di dimostrazione su larga scala.
Partnership: DIPIETRO GROUP (Siracusa) – coordinator; CERTY CEQ (Catania); MICROSYSTEMS (Enna); RULETECH (Catania); IBIM/CNR: Istituto di Biomedicina ed Immunologia Molecolare (Palermo);

Fondazione Ri.MED (Palermo).

Ri.MED Principal Investigator: Chiara Cipollina

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Abstract: The goal of the project is the realization of the prototype of an amperometric nanosensor for the detection of hydrogen peroxide in the culture medium of in vitro/ex vivo experimental models. Hydrogen peroxide is released by immune cells such as macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes and structural cells (such as nasal epithelial and bronchial epithelial cells) under conditions of oxidative stress and inflammation. Hydrogen peroxide is relatively stable and diffuses into the extracellular space through the cell membrane. Therefore its concentration in the culture medium reflects the intracellular one and is a measure of the oxidative state of the cells under investigation. The project aims to develop an innovative device that allows to monitor the onset and progress of oxidative stress in experimental models of chronic inflammatory diseases. In particular, during the project, the device will be optimized and validated using experimental models of chronic inflammatory airways diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).  The ability to monitor the release of hydrogen peroxide in the culture medium, in real time and without disturbing cell growth, represents a significant advantage over the most popular systems currently in use and based on colorimetric or fluorimetric assays that require the use of the culture medium (expensive, off-line and time consuming) or assays based on the use of fluorescent probes that require the collection of cells with consequent perturbation of the system, functional anomalies and growth interruption.

The project is divided into four phases:

– Phase 1. In this phase, while Ri.MED will work on the identification, selection and development of commercially available assays for the monitoring of oxidative stress, IRIB will develop the cellular models that will be used in the subsequent phases of project. In addition, both research institutions will work with the University of Palermo for the development of the sensitive element and electronics in collaboration with Microsystems srl.
– Phase 2. In this phase, Di Pietro Group, thanks to its specific skills in system integration, will interact synergistically with the University of Palermo for the measurement of the concentration of hydrogen peroxide and with RULETECH for the design of the device data management software. In particular, it will suggest the most effective hardware and software solutions for signal detection and communication between the device and the user. In this context, the inputs will be the parameters and the cut-off values identified by IRIB-CNR and RiMED. The outputs will be the hardware solutions (for UniPa and Microsystems srl) and the software ones (for RULETECH). CertyCeq will analyze of the characteristics of the device in order to get the CE certification and will issue the related requirements.
– Phase 3. In this phase, DIPIETRO GROUP will coordinate the testing and verification activities carried out by the biomedical partners with the progressive realization of the device, in collaboration with UniPA, Microsystems and Ruletech, until reaching the final approval of the device that will be tested by the RiMED and IRIB partners in a real operating environment. CertyCeq will verify the compliance with the CE certifiability requirements and will take care of the final approval of the procedures required for obtaining the device certification.

– Phase 4. This phase will be dedicated to results dissemination.

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