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GMP Facility – Laboratori di Ricerca e Servizi Diagnostici e Terapeutici dell’ISMETT

Project TitleGMP Facility – Laboratori di Ricerca e Servizi Diagnostici e Terapeutici dell’ISMETT

Start/end date: November, 2017 – December, 2022

Funding Agency/Programme: Regione Siciliana. PO FESR 2014/2020. Asse prioritario 1 Ricerca, Sviluppo Tecnologico e Innovazione. Azione 1.5.1 “Sostegno alle infrastrutture della ricerca considerate strategiche per i sistemi regionali ai fini dell’attuazione della S3

Partnership: Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione S.r.l. – IRCCS ISMETT (Coordinator); Fondazione Ri.MED.

Abstract: The project aims at strengthening and consolidating the existing Research Infrastructure (RI) through the acquisition of new technologies able to improve the infrastructural, organizational and collaborative asset. The RI, thus enhanced, will therefore be able to improve and increase productivity, to develop new aids for advanced therapies, new ICT to support clinical and research activities and above all it will act as an even more credible interlocutor in the national scenario and international scientific and biomedical research. RI, enhanced also thanks to the integration of ICT systems, will be able to generate “big data” through a large number of high-throughput technologies that will enrich the datasets, to be used to accelerate the translational processes of research and customize clinical interventions on the basis of automatic analysis of biological profiles and digital phenotype. The coexistence, in the same RI, of clinical practice activities, basic and clinical research, translational research and, in addition, of a very “evolved” ICT component is an uncommon and highly positive event: it allows researchers and clinicians to have access to a quantity and variety of “structured” data, today considered an essential element for ensure the translation of “bench-to-bedside” and “bedside-to-bench” information. Another equally relevant aspect is that such structured data, Big Data, allow the application of Personalized Medicine.

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