Project title: DIAMOND-HV
Start/end date: 2014 – 2015
Funding Agency/Programme: Regione Siciliana. PO FESR Obiettivo convergenza 2007/2013 – Obiettivo Operativo 4.1.1 – Linea di Intervento
Partnership: Parco Tecnologico Padano SRL; Laboratorio di Ricerche Locorotondo SRL; Università degli Studi di Catania; Fondazione Ri.MED.
To this end, DIAMOND-HV focuses on two targeted activities: a) development of a diagnostic panel for identification, quantification, and monitoring of viral and bacterial pathogens representing risk factors in the transplanted recipient, adopting methods that best suit the latter’s clinical monitoring requirements; b) identification of new markers and profiles associated with the reactivation and viral pathogenetic mechanisms that can represent a second-level diagnostic panel associated with the virology monitoring.