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Project titleDIAMOND-HV

Start/end date: 2014 – 2015

Funding Agency/Programme: Regione Siciliana. PO FESR Obiettivo convergenza 2007/2013 – Obiettivo Operativo 4.1.1 – Linea di Intervento

Partnership: Parco Tecnologico Padano SRL; Laboratorio di Ricerche Locorotondo SRL; Università degli Studi di Catania; Fondazione Ri.MED.

Abstract: The project aim is the design and creation of a molecular diagnostic panel on a real-time PCR platform and microfluidic cards, for the identification of: pathogens responsible for infectious diseases in immunosuppressed patients and transplantation; new miRNA biomarkers associated with the reactivation and neoplastic transformation caused by viral agents; specific targets for opportunistic bacterial pathogens (staphylococci, viridans streptococci, and enterococci) and selected markers of antibiotic resistance.
To this end, DIAMOND-HV focuses on two targeted activities: a) development of a diagnostic panel for identification, quantification, and monitoring of viral and bacterial pathogens representing risk factors in the transplanted recipient, adopting methods that best suit the latter’s clinical monitoring requirements; b) identification of new markers and profiles associated with the reactivation and viral pathogenetic mechanisms that can represent a second-level diagnostic panel associated with the virology monitoring.
The project’s research activity moves along two parallel lines which, although independent in terms of reachable results, do however have strong elements in common, particularly with regard to the innovative technology solutions utilized. The research will be conducted by the University of Catania (more involved in infectivology activities) and Ri.MED Foundation (oncology tasks). The outcomes will be shared and implemented with Biodiversity, accountable for the methodology tasks of experimental development, and with Dr. AITA, involved in more analytical tasks. Biodiversity and AITA will also provide feedback to research partners for the purpose of activating new activities or redesigning the existing ones, while Locorotondo Srl will have a strategic role in defining the characteristics of the final (marketable) product of research, such as sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility, and accuracy.
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