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Ri.MED Symposium 2014 “Immunoregulation: autoimmunity, transplantation and cancer”

The American Association for the Advancement of Science and the prestigious journal ‘Science’ ranked research related to immunotherapy at the top of their list of scientific achievements this past year, contributing a “deep transformation” about the care cancer.

No coincidence that for the 2014 edition of the annual Scientific Symposium, the Ri.MED Foundation – which since 2008 has set up a high level research fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh – has chosen as topic the immunoregulation in organ transplantation and oncology. The immunology and the cancer’s genetic are now more than ever at the center of biomedical research and open new horizons.

The keynote speakers in the international arena met up on October 22, 2014 in Milan, at the San Raffaele Congress Centre, to discuss the results of their research projects.

Here you can find the video with the introductory speeches of the Symposium:

  • Prof. Bordignon: Welcome to Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
  • Dr. Margaret Mc Donald (on behalf of Prof. Arthur S. Levine): Introduction to the University of Pittsburgh
  • Prof. Bruno Gridelli: Introduction to the Ri.MED Foundation
  • Prof. Camillo Ricordi: Introduction to Symposium Theme

Prof. Ricordi’s presentation slides

Here is the program:
Mark J. Shlomchik
Professor and Chair of Immunobiology University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
B vs. DC:  How We Get Autoimmuni-T
Sarah Gaffen
Professor of Medicine University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
“IL-17 Signaling and Fungal Immunity:  The Dark Side of Anti-Cytokine Therapy
Claudio Bordignon
Professor of Hematology “Vita-Salute” San Raffaele University
Suicide-Gene Modified Donor T Cells and T-Cell Depleted Stem Cell Transplants Display
Dario A.A. Vignali
Professor and Vice chair of Immunology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Targeting Tregs in Tumors
Vincenzo Bronte
Professor of Pathology and Diagnostics, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery University of Verona
Molecular and Metabolic Control of Antitumor Immunity by Myeloid Cells
Fadi G. Lakkis
Frank and Athena Sarris Professor of Transplantation Biology-Professor of Surgery, of Immunology and Medicine- Scientific Director, Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
How Transplanted Organs Are Sensed by the Innate Immune System
Warren D. Shlomchik
Professor of Medicine and of Immunobiology Yale University school of Medicine
Mechanisms of Graft-versus-Host Disease and Graft-versus-Leukemia

The 8th Ri.MED Symposium – as well as previous editions – reserves to the participants the opportunity to attend a preview presentation of important scientific results, not yet disclosed.

We thank all participants for their contribution to the success of this important occasion of exchange and scientific divulgation.


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