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Ri.MED Lecture “Targeting Cancer and Neurodegeneration”

On the occasion of the visit by the new Ri.MED Scientific Director, Prof. Dario Vignali, we held in Palermo two days of meetings with researchers and institutional and administration leaders, a Scientific Committee meeting, and a lectio magistralis titled “Targeting Cancer and Neurodegeneration”.
The meeting took place by ISMETT IRCCS, Ri.MED partner for the translational research with clinical applications. Along with other researchers invitated from Italian and foreign institutions, our internal professors have presented the resoults of theres job in that specific field of research: Prof. Vignali, Vice Chair of the Department of Immunology by University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Prof. Francesco Dieli, member of the Ri.MED Scientific Committee and Full Professor of Immunology University of Palermo, and Prof. Pier Giulio Conaldi, Director of the Department of Advanced Laboratory Medicine and Advanced Biotechnology at ISMETT, a demonstration of the particular attention and expertise that the Foundation places on cancer research and immunological applications.


09:15 am
Ri.MED Foundation Overview 
– Alessandro Padova, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Fondazione Ri.MED

09:30 am
Cancer Immunotherapy: past, present and future
– Dario Vignali, Ph.D
Ri.MED Scientific Director; Vice Chair and Professor of Immunology, Department of Immunology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Director, Cancer Immunology Training Program, Leader of the Cancer Immunology Program,Co-Director of the Tumor Microenvironment Center, UPMC Hillman Cancer Center

10:15 am
Research in immunology at ISMETT with Ri.MED – Pier Giulio Conaldi, M.D., Ph.D
Director Department of Laboratory Medicine and Advanced Biotechnologies IRCCS ISMETT

10:45 am
New strategies to approach neurodegeneration
– Annalisa Pastore, Ph.D
Full Professor of Molecular Basis of Neurodegeneration, King’s College London

11:15 am
Coffee Break

11:30 am
Targeting cancer metastasis with antibodies – Ermanno Gherardi, M.D., Ph.D
Full Professor of Immunology and General Pathology, Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Pavia

12:00 am
Research in immunology at CLADIBIOR – Francesco Dieli, M.D., Ph.D
Scientific Committee Member Fondazione Ri.MED; Full Professor of Immunology; Director, Central Laboratory for Advanced Diagnostics and Biomedical Research, University of Palermo

12.30 pm
Small molecule Compound Selection in Drug Discovery – Sharing a Common language between academia and industry  Alessandro Padova, Ph.D
Chief Executive Officer Fondazione Ri.MED

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