Start/end date:
2014 – 2015Partnership: Laboratorio di Ricerche Locorotondo SRL (Capofila); Fondazione Ri.MED; CNR – ICAR; Parco Tecnologico Padano s.r.l.; LOOKOUT s.r.l
Abstract: Abstract: the main objective of the project was the development of an integrated methodological approach to evaluate the expression of selected miRNAs and to combine the results obtained with those of conventional diagnostic procedures (biochemical, histopathological, etc.) to achieve an individual genetic signature that allowed to develop and / or implement new measures for the diagnosis, prognostic classification and personalized treatment of the main human neoplastic diseases (breast, prostate, conlon-rectum, lung cancer). This approach has led to the production of supports (biochips), distinguished by population and specific by pathology, validated thanks to their use on a series of biological samples (peripheral blood biobanks, tissues) both non-tumor and neoplastic, obtained in controlled randomized clinical studies already concluded or in progress. Data were then analyzed using original and innovative mathematical models and bioinformatics tools that allowed to obtain an optimal statistical capacity with the least amount of data possible. It is the intention of the partnership to further implement the results achieved and arrive at the patent and subsequent marketing of the biochips produced: their introduction into clinical practice would have an impact in terms of predictive, diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic choice. The main issues addressed concerned two important aspects relating to the application of the technologies used and the analysis of the data obtained. First, individual and, above all, population variability, which made it necessary to carefully stratify the population under study and carefully evaluate possible confounding variables that could adversely affect the results obtained. Secondly, the current methodologies relating to data analysis are still not entirely adequate for their vastness and complexity.