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International Training for the Exploitation of EU Project Results with a Focus on IP in the Field of Health and Biotechnology

Palazzo Steri, Palermo

“International Training for the Exploitation of EU Project Results with a focus on IP in the Field of Health and Biotechnology” is the title of International Workshop held in Palermo, organized by the Foundation and ISMETT Ri.MED in collaboration with European IPR Helpdesk and Fit for Health 2.0. The event was attended by representatives of both academia and firm, coming from 10 European countries (Poland, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Greece, UK, Belgium, the Czech Republic and of course Italy).

Prof. Bruno Gridelli, Director of ISMETT and Vice President of the Foundation Ri.MED, welcomed the partecipants: “Biomedical research is an extraordinary opportunity for economic and social growth for those community who exploit the full potential. ISMETT and Ri.MED in partnership with centers, regional research institutions and national authorities have already obtained important scientific results, attracted large funds and recruited and trained young researchers. This important workshop helps to make Sicily increasingly a key element of a progress strategy based on the strengthening of the scientific research”.

Very satisfied Ines Haberl, Coordinator of Fit For Health 2.0, and Jörg Scherer, Head of IPR Helpdesk and CEO EURICE GmbH, who emphasized the value of the event also as opportunity for the development of a European network.


The workshop provided interesting insights and practical advice for the transformation of intellectual activities in innovations that can create value, also economical, with focus in the fields of health and biotechnology. The speakers were chosen according to a logic of complementarity of the areas, a “chain” for the transformation of scientific discovery from innovative idea to marketable product of the “business of science.” In this context, the new EU framework program for research and innovation “Horizon 2020”, focuses on the strategies of exploitation of intellectual property as a means to protect innovation initiatives and to get the right value from research financed by the European Community. An incentive for researchers to present their work to think beyond the confines of the laboratory.

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