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PROMETEO – Prodotti medicinali derivati da placenta per terapie avanzate per patologie epatiche ed endometriali

Project title: PROMETEO – Prodotti medicinali derivati da placenta per terapie avanzate per patologie epatiche ed endometriali
Start/end date: January 2020 – November 2022


Funding Agency/Programme: Regione Siciliana – PO FESR 2014/2020 – Obiettivo Tematico 1 Ricerca, Sviluppo Tecnologico e Innovazione, Obiettivo specifico 1.1 – Incremento dell’attività di innovazione delle imprese, Azione 1.1.5 – Sostegno all’avanzamento tecnologico delle imprese attraverso il finanziamento di linee pilota e azioni di validazione precoce dei prodotti e di dimostrazione su larga scala.

Partnership: Casa di Cura Candela Spa (Coordinator); Fondazione Ri.MED; Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione S.r.l. – IRCCS ISMETT; OLOMEDIA SRL, S.R.L.; EXOSOMICS SIENA SPA.

Abstract: PROMETEO’s main objective is to develop cell products based on stem cells isolated from placenta for clinical applications. Specifically, cell therapies for acute and chronic liver diseases and for the reactivation of the endometrium will be developed through in vitro and in vivo studies. The therapeutic effects of cells and derivatives will be tested on in vivo models of acute and chronic liver damage and on in vitro models for endometrial reactivation. This process will be optimized according to protocols based on the principles of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), in order to develop cell therapies. Analytical methods will also be developed to evaluate any contamination in the final product according to specific protocols for the quality control (QC) of the cells, considering: the phenotype, functional potential, microbiological safety and tumorigenicity. All parts of the production process will be defined, optimized and standardized.

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