The contract notice for the awarding of the construction works for Ri.MED Foundation’s Biomedical Research and Biotechnology Center (BRBC), a 25,000 square meter facility due to host up to 600 employees, and located in Carini (Palermo, Italy), was published on the Official Journal of the European Union on 28.01.2017.
Within a context characterized by the importance of biomedical sciences as a driving force for innovation, the BRBC has an evident strategic role, both from an economical and public health standpoint, and represents a key element that will allow Sicily to become a translational “hub” for life sciences.
After the publication of the contract notice, and with reference to the time limit for submitting the tenders, set at March 31, 2017, the Ri.MED Foundation has planned an Information Day that will be addressed to all operators interested with the purpose of illustrating the BRBC’s context of reference and its scientific purposes. Targeted operators include all economic operators interested, potential participants to the procurement process for the awarding of the construction works, and all those wishing to learn about the activities that the Ri.MED Foundation currently carries out and that it intends to pursue with the BRBC within the Sicilian, Italian, and international context.
The Information Day will take place on February 28, 2017 at 12:00 (midday) in the “Sala polifunzionale” of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Largo Chigi 19, Rome, and will consist in an information video made by the Ri.MED Foundation on the scientific relevance of the BRBC, and a brief introduction of the latter. In order to guarantee the parity of all tenderers during the Information Day, the video will provide no specific information on the awarding procedure. For the same reason, no questions will be taken on the project’s characteristics nor on other elements concerning the contract. After the event, the video shown at the Information Day will be available for download from the Foundation’s official website. Please note the video will not be considered part of the tender documentation.