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Via Mario Rossi, 22




The Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering laboratory works transversally on in silico, in vitro and in vitro models. The group deals with mechanical-structural characterization, biofabrication of bioengineered tissues, and the study of the growth of endogenous tissue with the aim of developing new medical devices and treatments for cardiovascular diseases.


  • Development of advanced biofabrication methods for cardiac tissue engineering
  • Development of bioinspired medical devices and tissue engineering strategies to address cardiovascular diseases
  • Computational modelling for cardiovascular tissue engineering


  • Tissue engineered heart valve
  • Tissue engineered vascular graft
  • Tissue engineered cardiac patch
  • Bioreactors for Enhanced Extra Cellular Matrix elaboration
  • Native/engineered tissue image-based structural and histopathological analysis
  • Native/engineered tissue numerical models for mechanics and tissue growth

Expertise and resources

  • Biofabrication of engineered tissue
  • Biomaterial processing
  • Mechanical and physical-chemical characterization of native and engineered tissue
  • Qualitative and quantitative histological assessment
  • Formulation and characterization of controlled drug-release medical devices
  • Mechanobiology
  • Numerical models applied to tissue growth/degradation and structural image-based analysis
  • In vivo assessment of biomaterials and engineered tissue


Patrizia Caruso

Ph.D. Student in Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management, and Aerospace Innovation

Elisa Lanzalaco

Ph.D. Student in Chemical, Environmental, Biomedical, Hydraulic, and Materials engineering


Comparative Assessment of Prosthetic Biomaterials for Cardiac Applications
Danila Vella, PhD †, Parnaz Boodagh †, Laura Modica De Mohac, PhD , Sang-Ho Ye , Federica Cosentino, PhD , Federica Scaglione , William Wagner , Antonio D'Amore, Ph.D. , Gaetano Burriesci, PhD
Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Sciences (EECSS’23), ICBES 137, 2023. DOI: 10.11159/icbes23.137
Journal Paper
Blood Vessel Detection Algorithm For Tissue Engineering And Quantitative Histology
Arianna Adamo, PhD , Alessandro Bruno , Giorgio Menallo , Maria Giovanna Francipane, Ph.D. , Marco Fazzari , Roberto Pirrone , Edoardo Ardizzone , William R Wagner , Antonio D'Amore
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 50(4):387-400, 2022
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